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How to Get Found on the Internet
Getting found on the Internet is the primary online concern of all businesses. But getting found on the Internet takes time, an online strategy and requires plenty of work. Here are top ways of getting found on the Internet:
- Structure your site around keywords you want to rank for. It’s a keyword world. You should begin by determining which 50 keywords are the most important to you, and ultimately build a list of 300-1,000 keywords you want to rank for.
- Make sure your site is built properly, with correct page titles, page descriptions and keyword density. Make each page unique on your site.
Write honest, effective copy and avoid puffery. Your web site should not be written like a static brochure.
- Create a web 2.0 web site. You can’t afford to look at your web site as a static site that get’s update once or twice a year (if you’re lucky). Your web site should be a living, growing entity that attracts new customers on a daily basis.
- Start a link-building campaign immediately. Links add “authority” to your site, which is arguably the most important element in Google’s highly secret algorithm.
- Start a blog and incorporate that into your site. Or start as blog site and incorporate other web site components in it. Then write 2-3 entries a week. This builds an incredible amount of content over time, and “trains” the web sites to crawl and index your site much more frequently. Have your photo show up in Google results by creating “Author Tags” on your blog by adding a photo on your Google+ profile and linking the two.
- Incorporate Social Media avenues, such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. This also helps to build content in the long run.
- Put your site on a Content Management System. Don’t be at the mercy of your I.T. guys. You need to have simple, easy access to your content that you can change any time from any computer.
- Limit your use of Flash. It might look nice, but search engines can’t read flash, and a lot of sites waste valuable real estate with too much flash.
- Create specialized landing pages. Landing pages are special pages within your site that tie into PPC (pay-per-click) campaigns and improve your ad quality score when tied to keywords used in your PPC campaigns.
I help growing companies manage their website design and content every day. If you would like to get on the right please contact me. Getting found on the Internet is no easy task, but it achievable and certainly worth the effort.