Being in the marketing business requires an expert to constantly learn new techniques. The days of running TV ads on 3 networks, buying ads in a few national magazines and using a network of daily newspaper publications is long gone.
Now more than ever, content development, lead generation, multi-channel marketing, online marketing and pinpoint analytics have helped to shape the market better than ever.
But what about social media? What’s happening on that front? Here’s what I consider to be the good, the bad and the ugly.
The problem is, most companies have only a slight idea on what it takes to create engagement in a social environment. More often than not, traditional or static communication is ineffective, and can actually hurt a company. For example, if you don’t have a growing fan base or engaged fan base, your company looks tired, or stoic, and certainly not in touch.
Worse yet are those companies that start a page and then ignore it. Customer posts are unanswered, things are said that can start a negative trend, and your company comes across as just not caring. Or, you have a social media strategy that’s not consistent from a messaging or corporate culture perspective. It just follows the way of the wind, changing direction day by day.
And never forget that social media is just one piece of your overall marketing strategy. If you place too much emphasis on social media, because it’s hip and new, you might forget the other cornerstones of content development, lead generation, and other less glamorous (but arguably more effective) communication tools like email marketing and other B to B or B to C marketing tools.