Fireball Blog

Why Content is King and 10 Ways to Build More of It

Written by John Peretz | Jan 30, 2023 8:46:42 PM

Building relevant content for your company is a very important element of your online and offline marketing strategy.

That’s because the more content you have, the better your chances are of being found. And since Google and other search engines rank pages, NOT websites, you should be building a content strategy around a variety of important keywords.

So what’s the best way to build additional content?

  • Add more web pages. A 50-page website almost always outperforms a 10-page website, and so on. Adding more pages around the keywords you want to rank for is critical to your content strategy.
  • Start a blog. You can write about a variety of topics. Always be keyword-focused, and consistently post new contact. You’ll be rewarded when the search engines crawl your site for new indexed content more frequently.
  • Integrate social media. Linked In, Google Plus+, Facebook and YouTube are important elements. Make sure you use custom graphics where you can to expand your brand presence.
  • Post updates to LinkedIn. You’ll be featured in the weekly email updates to your sphere of influence.
  • Create YouTube Videos. Video content is huge, and even more important than print in most instances. Make sure you have your own YouTube channel and enter the right titles, descriptions and keywords.
  • Write Industry Articles. It’s not as daunting as it seems. Look up the industry publications, and evaluate their editorial calendar. Then, contact the editor well in advance and suggest a story you could write for that particular issue.
  • Respond to Blogs. Don’t be self-serving, but feel free to add your thoughts, suggestions or additions to a blog site. Where appropriate, add a link to your company or service.
  • Write an eBook or an Actual Book. This really makes you think about what you want to communicate, and it gives you plenty of materials to cross-purpose for blogs, articles, etc. Plus, it helps to establish you or your company as an expert.
  • Get on Trade Show Panels. Now this is a harder one, because the lead time is generally 9-15 months, but go the extra mile and fill out the speaker proposal. Who knows, you might be the next featured speaker or be on the next important panel.
  • Interview Customers or Users. Not only will you find out more information about how they feel about your product or service, but you can use this as blog entries, sales pitches and more.

And always try to create remarkable content, because your chances of generating inbound links to your web site through different platforms greatly increases when you actually write something worth reading.